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Noor Kahmann

Your body doesn't speak with words, but it is communicating with you constantly. We feel our emotions in our bodies - that pit in your stomach when you dread something, that tension in your jaw when you hold in your truth, the butterflies in your belly when you feel excited or even the sense of something being 'off'.


When you pay attention to the signals of your body and start to intentionally support your needs, your life will change. From there, you can support yourself, build resiliency and surf the waves of life.


The real kind of living is FEELING it all.​ Let's explore that together.


“It's not about feeling better, it's about getting better at feeling.”

dr. Gabor Maté






Explore your body, get in touch with your inner world and unlock what has been stuck

1 / Create safety and space in the body

We'll do this through movement, mindfulness, breathing and somatic exercises.

2 / Start noticing sensations that are present

Once you create the space to listen, your body can start speaking. What can you notice?

3 / Be present with what is there

Learn to be curious and open to the messaging of the body. Can you hold space for yourself to feel it all?

4 / Give expression to what wants to be moved

We hold so much in, but it is meant to move / breathe / exist. What does your body want to express and how?

5 / Take time for integration and notice your growth

Even though you do this work by yourself, the real learnings / feelings / experiences are out there in the world. Take time to integrate, enjoy the beauty and notice the deeper connection with yourself and the people around you.

“The container with Noor started because I wanted to better assess my feelings. Plus I wanted to know and understand myself better. I was in a constant mix of different feelings: stress, restlessness, uncertainty, insecurity, tired but also full of energy. The most important realization is that I can help myself when I experience any of these feelings and I don't have to stay in them. I learned techniques to move my body, use my breath and support emotions when they were present."
“Ik heb beter contact kunnen maken met de signalen van mijn lichaam. Waar ik vroeger kon balen dat ik vaker en sneller moe was dan anderen, kan ik nu luisteren zonder oordeel. Er kwam meer ruimte in mijn lijf, letterlijk. Ik heb ingezien dat ik veel energie verloor in bepaalde relaties en patronen, waar ik door de ontstane ruimte andere keuzes in heb kunnen maken. Ik voel me lichter en een stuk energieker!”
Hoe zou je het traject omschrijven?
“Een begeleide ontdekkingsreis naar binnen toe, waarin je vrij mag ontdekken wat er te ontdekken valt. Het lichaam in beweging brengen waardoor er ruimte ontstaat om vanuit een veilige plek te gaan voelen. Plekken in het lichaam ontdekken waar emoties en/of gevoelens zich laten zien. Het leren vragen aan deze emoties en gevoelens wat ze nodig hebben en daarop te reageren en zo verwerking plaats te laten vinden.”
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Nuremberg, Germany

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